-No Attack Tag - Enemy cannot attack the player. I'll need to update the event so that attacks can be executed from other places (in case I want a ranged enemy that wouldn't work in melee range)
-Immune Tag - Player cannot attack Enemy, nice for chasing events.
-Animation Tag - Change the animation based on equipped weapon or enemy tags.
-No Attack Status Effect- Anyone inflicted with this state won't be able to deal damage. I should also make an immunity version of this state (barriers).
-Extended the damage formula to include elemental multiplier and state attacks. Should probably modify damage method so I can deal 0 damage (for status-only effects).
-Quicksand Teleportation - Need to test this, but if you sink far enough, you should teleport to a different map.
Want to do:
-Alternate Damage Method and Tag- Not only for status-only attacks, but also for "skills". Actually, I think I can apply actual skill data here.
-Make ranged arrays - One to extend starting range, then another to start longXwide attacking range.
-Make "explosion" arrays - Detect things to attack within a radius. I can guess the shape for squares (standard), diamonds (x+y <= range), X (absx=absy) and + (x or y = 0)
-Make ranged arrays - One to extend starting range, then another to start longXwide attacking range.
-Make "explosion" arrays - Detect things to attack within a radius. I can guess the shape for squares (standard), diamonds (x+y <= range), X (absx=absy) and + (x or y = 0)
-Make reactions to getting hit, ideally turning towards attack or getting knocked back.
-Update Hud to show status effects.
-Shortcut buttons for consumables?
-Make a game out of it.