
Slime Time's Gooey Grounds

How is this tileset so far?  While it looks a bit basic, that helps some of the lumps blend in, looking like part of the terrain.

Oh, and Slime Time may be the working title of the demo, considering the nature of the tiles.


I Done Derped

Sorry about not responding for half a month.  I'll say that I was distracted from making games when I focused on playing games, Terraria being the name of the game.  Since I just finished grabbing the good stuff from Moon Lord, I think I can step away from that game.

Anyway, where was I?  Oh yes, my plan for the ABS at this point was to add range.  Stuff like laser beams, mortars, etc, so I would have an "empty" range and a long and wide attack range. I'm a bit lazy to do that mess of code now, but that could be a good thing as I don't have any ideas requiring a "full" ABS yet.  If there is any other small features I need to code in, that should be fine too.


At this point, I'm planning a demo using the current ABS.  As a reminder, this started with quicksand and has evolved to include states for a certain number of charges and attacks that can invoke states.  While I could just use quicksand, I'm afraid I want to try sinking in latex or something gooey, and I'm pretty certain there are many tilesets like that.  So I'll spend some time crafting new walls and floors for this occasion.  We'll see what we'll have.