
Hands and Feet All Counting

I decided to wait on Warcraft for now, but that's probably because I want to try out Monster Hunter World once my Steam cards come in.

Anyway, I worked on the Counter (and Magic Reflection) this weekend, inherited from The Fates We Weave and SRPG:
-Counter works on an inside-outside mechanic.  For examples, a cactus monster will always counter because it is spiky, but the inside should be safe from those spikes.
-In addition, Counter Skills can vary with battlers (and equipment) such as if you're fighting a mud monster.  Counter Skills also target the user instead of the fool if they're designed for the user/friendly.
-An eaten actor will Counter their eater even if the belly smack came from someone else.

Hm, I'm kinda curious now, because if I can use a Counter Skill with a Vore Attack, could I have a slime trap a player who attacks it?

Also inherited from The Fates We Weave is Hime's Command Manager, used to change up the Attack and Guard under certain situations.  If you haven't played it yet, the earliest example should be when you get Licked, which would remove your Guard and cause your Guard Command to become Wait.  Other examples from that RPG should be dual-wielding and wiggling in cocoons.

Anyway, I decided to bring this feature back to play with the other states, especially with some of the bondage-oriented states.  To make this more interesting, Attacks are related to your arms and Evade will replace Guard to relate to your Legs:

-If your arms are tied up, you must Struggle to try and get them out.  If your legs are useless, you can Flail for some damage but it may miss with your range (this should become Attack if you are cramped in a stomach, though.
-If your legs are tied up, you either Hop or Wiggle depending on how stuck they are, with Hop having a chance to evade.  In your stomach, you don't have much room to dodge so you can only Wait.

There's always room to add some more things.  I think, if you get a  Kickboxer or Martial Artist Class, this should be able to change your Evade to Kick so you can keep up your damage even if you lose your arms.


Minor Updates:
-State groups rewritten.  States that affect field movement like being cocooned used to require putting in numbers but now are linked to "state_resist" features or battle features like Restriction.
-Stuck movement rewritten.  Used trigger instead of dir4 so that the player can wiggle while facing one direction.


    But really, I'm quite happy to see you working out some creative ideas and gimmicks within this vore project! I gave the current playable a go, quite liked what I saw, wish there was more of the glooping and the webbing myself, as I've always been a sucker for those effects from ya, but the skunks where very fun, and making some slimes that counter by sucking you on after attacking is some perfect stuff to be sure of! Some effects after escaping some vores would be great touches too. But yeah, changing the attacks based off of status is very yes. =w=

    1. Apparently the skunks are very popular and I will consider their designs for future enemies. I didn't include glooping or webbing as I didn't have the matching faces yet.

      As for the exiting state, I might look into that. The feature was last removed since something like a hypno-chair would starts its hypnosis at capture rather than the end, but I'll look into adding that feature back so that allowing the hypno-chair to reach its end can turn that ally into a drone (as opposed to freeing your ally by damage). Think of it as puking and pooping in the sense of how things get completed.

      And the Arms/Legs is easy to account for when you identify states that way. But I would have to make the states to properly demo that.

    2. The idea of a hypno enemy that can turn your allies into mind-controlled drones is quite interesting to me in particular.
