
Randomly Posting

If you couldn't tell, I'm posting each time I make minor adjustments.  Hopefully I would have actual content sometime.

The last post was about Free Formation, turning a party of 1-2 into x-1-x-2.  Now, if you have Hit 3 Random Enemies, you would be hitting one of those two twice, but with Free Formation in mind, it got me thinking about rocks that would hit a spot even if the actors weren't there.  At the time, the snippet that would hit a spot regardless of whether it hit players or now had attacks based on its position.

I made a copy of that snippet and got it to work as a replacement for Random Attacks, even getting it to work on groups rather than one by one.

So if I recall correctly, there should be 2 to 3 places to play with targeting.  One is a set of targets (usually alive members), though here I added the condition and snippet for the "random" group.  The group is an array with arrays of 0-3 for each position, with a sample taken for use.  For example, [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3]] means I have 1 of 3 "spots" the enemy can hit.

Normally, I would have to use "All Enemies" to strike all spots of [1,2] since the normal would hit 1 or 2, but Random would only hit one person at a time and Repeat would repeatedly hit the same targets.  There is a method to target enemies and a method to target allies, and for the enemies, the targets are sorted by random, single and all.  The random targets by default create an array based on the size of random hits with each target group spawning a random target, which could make a group of [1,2,1].  So for me to make random-target groups instead of random-target singles, I instead loop and add the arrays so I can get [1,2,0,1,1,2] instead of [[1,2],[0,1],[1,2]].

So far, my Random Group Targets includes the standard groups of 1-4, variants for a grouped hit to strike off the the ledge ([0,1] and [0]), and two/three-handed strikes ([0,1] and [0,3]).

I may have to ponder on having animations for dead/empty spots to show the range of these kinds of attacks.

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