
Mumble Mumble

Weekly update to let you know I'm still doing things (besides Monster Hunter World).  Apologies, but rarely take pics of my work.

So here's what I've did:

-Muted message now work with numbers so that affected party members can join in.  This is set for the party, for specific actors, and forced.  Deaf and Blinded messages remain as they are as it's assumed that the NPC is speaking to the player character, though I could probably change ithem to fluctuate based on how many party members can overhear.

-Finally transferred my OCs' heads from their swimsuits to their clothes.  Also corrected some sprites so that they don't have a wedgie and made an attempt with armbinders and behind-the-back arm poses.

-Put in Himework's Placeholder Graphics.  This uses a face/character graphics and replaces them with the referenced party member's own in the actual game.  No conflicts so far, and need to test this with states for both enemies and allies.  May consider "doppleganger" enemies.


  1. Doppleganger enemies sounds quite interesting, especially if they're ones that eat/entrap one of your characters and THEN take their shape.

    1. Tested the placeholder and it updates with the player's states. It's save to say that unless I rewrite some scripts, it's probably not a good idea to use placeholders as dopplegangers. Still, I should probably link an actor to the event so that if they are "affected" by a hop state, they'll hop.

      You do raise an interesting design. After all, it is possible to use graphics related to each character and use a modded condition for the meal they have.
