
Layered Dip State Idea

The main reason I don't simply post whatever comes to mind is because this blog will have a lot of posts.

Anyway, you can see that most states tend to be...coexisting.  Let's take possessed clothing for example.  You could be affected by Gloves, Boots, and Corset.  However, if you were affected by Armbinder and Legbinder, it would be weird to be affected by Gloves and Boots afterwards.  One way I could solve this is to use Himework's Conditional States to prevent Boots from applying if Legbinder is pressent.  But...

I'm thinking about doing a Layered State script.  In that script, some states will be tagged with a number, and that number acts as a barrier against lower-numbered states.  So for example, I have Gag <1>, Hood <2> and Cocoon <3>; if I get a Hood, I cannot receive a Gag.  In addition, I'll have the Layered State "preserve" the lower state, so if I use Remove Hood to take my hood off, it won't work if I am cocooned.

So first of all, I would have to place a check at the add state method so that if state's Layer is more than or equal to the player's current Layer number, I can apply the state.  Similarly, remove state method would only remove a state if it is equal to the current state Layer.  States that aren't defined (like Confusion) should be able to skip both checks.

I'm also thinking to have an Effect Range.  Let's say Poison only works on flesh and has a range of 0-2.  3, though is a Cocoon layer and Poison won't apply at that range.

Hm, I'll also have to make an alternative to Remove All.  I think two, actually, one to remove one Layer, and another that will remove up to a specific Layer (example, Recover(2) would loop until the current Layer number is 2 or less).

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