Here's a idea that popped into my head after looking for some Monster Hunter World tips:
When you are searching an abandoned office, a ghost "hires" you to clean out your ancestor's debt by kicking a few squatters out of some old houses.
So the first element of this idea is the debt. As you may imagine, this debt will be huge and is one or two of the endings. There are three ways you can pay this debt off:
1. Clear a house, and its value will be deducted from your debt.
2. Contribute any money you find to pay this debt.
3.*Exorcise the house, and you may gain up to ten times its own value, but half of that will be taken to pay your debt.
It should be noted that if you pick option 3, the ghosts will be pissed off, so you won't be able to use services such as paying your debt at that time and the ghosts of the next house would be tougher. And also, you can increase your debt by losing in a house (and probably by putting money on the ghost's tab).
Anyway, the next part is how to exorcise a house. This depends on what your current objective is. For example:
Objective: Carry Out (Value: 5000)
What you should do: Find the object and bring it out of the house. (0/5000)
Exorcising it: Locate the key and fight the spirit inside the object. And still carry the object out. (25000/25000)
Of course, the way to exorcise a house wouldn't be mentioned, but if you usually find 1000 in a house and need that 20000 axe, Exorcising's a quick way to get money. I won't say that it's the farmable way because not only will the ghosts hear of this and become stronger, but your ghost will be mad at the PR you're making and deny you a few services. In fact, it's most likely that there will be a second "debt" you'll have to pay or lose in order to drop this anger down.
By the way, losing adds to your debt.
Anyway, here's some endings to play around with this concept:
1. Dutiful - Pay off the debt.
2. Effective - Pay off the debt with some anger.
3. Slacker - Double the initial debt.
4. Alternate Work - Hire an exorcist
5. Anger Management - Make the ghost very angry then lose.
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