
Slime Time Demo Released!

Game: Slime Time
Status: Demo
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9xlct8yb9srnoyk/SlimeTime.zip

Well, I can't really add any more experiments without tinkering deeper into the code, but I'm pretty certain I've covered a good amount of things to try out.  However, there's only two or three states, with two of them dependent on you sinking.  Oh well, just have fun with this thing.


  1. I did indeed have fun with this thing, just my 2 cents though:
    I kinda wish the mobs from -2 would end up making you much the same as well if you sat around or sank in their pool in earnest, feels a little like a missed option there. I also wish there was a trap or two that would glob you much like how room 7 ends up as well. Could have even a 'hold buttons down with team members stuck in such a status" gimmick for a future room or two unless the follow script really wouldn't like that ( though by how members follow you, it didn't seem like you couldn't work that out, and it clearly could 'catch' them in placement as well! ).
    Otherwise fun map control stuff, but I do wish you'd do more of the battle status stuff like The Webs we Weave, as I still go back and futz in that for my own amusement =3=

    1. -2: The room was mainly to show hopping monsters. I didn't know if the regular slimes hopped well enough, and I felt that the three status effects in there represented well enough at the time.

      7/Followers: The default followers movement cares not for walls, and it hadn't been a priority at the time. Actually, I am planning to update follower and party movement as it turns out that if you stop one follower, the ones behind them would not continue. Anyway, mines were a basic gimmick that was already trumped by the selective healing of the circles, so I didn't think to put that in.

      Actually, my next idea will evolve the ABS to have "ryona holds", a mechanic usually found in some doujin side-scrollers. In fact, I managed to get the "pred/prey" states to work as I intended, and I think I can also get that to work with buttons.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That was quite fun! The mechanics works pretty well dang well, and will certainly be fun to mess around with.

    Just on a side note: the knocback effect in room 7 can knock the party members through the upper wall. They don't get stuck there and follow you once you move, though.

    Also, switching a dead party member to leader result in a game-over screen, not sure if it is intended as so.

    But anyway, looking forward to more of this!

    1. The followers going through walls and stuff is default behavior. The effect isn't obvious in normal games since they would go at 1:1 speed, but because of the sinking and hopping in this demo, there is a higher chance for gaps like these. I think defining passables or reconfiguring a pathfinder in the movement should keep them inbounds.

      As for the leader part, first time messing with an ABS, so I thought having only the leader face death would be accurate. I was aware that this is a possibility, but I suppose people would try this out. If I were to release another ABS-oriented demo, I'll revert to default death and simply make dead people unable to attack.
